Gemstone Spotlight: Golden Enhydro Quartz Crystals
Detail view of golden enhydro quartz also known as petroleum included quartz under 10x magnification of a jeweler's loupe. Note the tiny air bubble within the golden yellow petroleum inclusion. Photo credit: Michelle Pajak-Reynolds
Golden Enhydro Quartz History and Lore
Golden enhydro quartz, also known as petroleum quartz or enpetro quartz, is one of the most extraordinary forms of quartz crystals. Enhydro is a Greek word meaning water within. Golden enhydros got their name when quartz crystals formed around liquid yellow petroleum oil deposits, sealing them inside forever. This process unfolds over 500 million years and golden enhydros are found in only 3 locations to date, the Himalayas, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
In the world of metaphysics, quartz is considered a supreme gift from Mother Earth and used as a powerful energetic gemstone for aiding in healing, meditation and spiritual communication. When other minerals are contained within a quartz crystal their energy is amplified and harmonized with their quartz host resulting in a more accessible and potent healing frequency.
Liquid and color are two key characteristics for golden enhydros use in shamanism and mysticism. Liquid, as one of the four traditional elements, corresponds to our emotions. The ancient liquid oil contained in golden enhydros is believed to vibrate on a pristine natural frequency that helps retune and correct imbalances with our emotions.
In color therapy, golden yellow is associated with our emotions, the solar plexus chakra and the planet Jupiter. Golden yellow also represents purity and spiritual love and has been used to artistically depict deities and saints in many cultures.
Origins and Gemology
Quartz is the most abundant mineral found on the Earth’s surface and mineable deposits are located on almost every continent. Quartz is part of every mountain range, and we get bits of it stuck in between our toes when walking on sandy beaches. Golden enhydro’s double terminations (pointy ends) are incredibly rare within the world of gemstones and occur as a result of the crystals growing with very little contact with the surrounding dolostone rock. Most quartz crystals grow attached to the surrounding rock and have only one termination or point. Double terminated quartz crystals are often called Herkimer Diamonds, however only those crystals mined in Herkimer, New York can be authentically labeled Herkimer Diamonds.
Quartz is highly durable and extensively used in the glass making, petroleum, construction, optical and electronic industries. In 1921, quartz was discovered to be piezoelectric, meaning it will generate an electric charge and vibrate at precise frequencies. These frequencies are so precise that quartz crystals are used in extremely accurate time-keeping instruments, stabilizing radio and television signals, cellphones and GPS equipment. So ancient healers and metaphysical practitioners were way ahead of their time in using quartz for a communication device!
Detail of the golden enhydro quartz in Michelle Pajak-Reynolds's Desma pendant fluorescing under UV light. Photo courtesy: Benjamin Guttery/Third Coast Gems
Phenomenal Gemstone
Another astounding feature of golden enhydro quartz is the petroleum inside these gems will fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. Fluorescence is a natural phenomenon that occurs in several minerals and gemstones. When it occurs in golden enhydro quartz it's extra special because quartz doesn't fluoresce on its own. It's only through the petroleum inclusions that these gems are able to glow from within.
Caring for Golden Enhydro Quartz Jewelry
As one of more durable gems, ranking 7 on the Moh’s Scale of Hardness, golden enhydro quartz can be cleaned with warm water and gentle soap. Let your jewelry pieces soak for a few minutes. Then gently scrub with a soft brush, like an old toothbrush, rinse and let dry on a soft lint-free cloth. Quartz can scratch softer stones, including pearls and opals, so it’s ideal to store quartz jewelry separately from your more delicate pieces.
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Please note, all metaphysical and healing properties listed are collected from a variety of sources and shared for educational, historical and entertainment purposes only. The authors and Michelle Pajak-Reynolds Studios LLC do not guarantee the validity of such statements nor is any of this information meant to treat medical conditions. If you have a medical concern, please consult your medical provider for appropriate treatment options.